Christopher Bruno

Christopher Bruno
Questions & Answers
Related shows or resources: Mean Girls
This is a bit of a crazy question but we thought it was worth asking. Is there anywhere we could submit a jr version of a musical (in this case MEAN GIRLS) that someone created a script for? One of our high school theater students created just as a fan and did a really good job. It reads just as an official jr version! We were wondering if there was a way we could submit it to MTI to take a look at. We know you probably wouldnt be interested in it but it was worth asking for the freshman who has such a passion for the arts and that is what broadway jr is about!
Related shows or resources: Peter Pan (1954 Broadway Version), Peter Pan JR.
Are there any alternative lyrics one can license to replace the racially insensitive lyrics in all of the Indian's numbers. Ex: "Ugh-a-wug a meatball"
Answer this QuestionRelated shows or resources: West Side Story, West Side Story School Edition
Are you required to do Jerome Robbins original choreography? (Or what is in the choreo videos) Is our choreographer allowed to completely re-choreograph numbers?
Answer this QuestionRelated shows or resources: Mean Girls
When will a perusal be available?
Answer this QuestionRelated shows or resources: Pit Band Junior
When will more titles be available?
Answer this QuestionRelated shows or resources: Mean Girls
Broadway cancelation and licensing
Now that the Broadway show is closed and will not be returning of Mean Girls, any word on the licensing and also is there any though for a jr version? Or TYA? The tour is still in so idk if it makes a difference?
Related shows or resources: Pit Band Junior
When will this be available for more jr and kids titles?
I'm wondering because as of now you only offer Annie jr and shrek jr