Hans Christian Andersen
Countless generations of children have been raised on the fairytales of Hans Christian Andersen. From "The Ugly Duckling" to "The Little Mermaid," these stories have sparked many young imaginations for centuries. Now with music by legendary composer Frank Loesser, Hans Christian Andersen is a musical storybook that brings the timeless tales (and the man who created them) to life onstage.
A struggling cobbler in Denmark, Hans Christian Andersen is better at making stories than shoes. As he discovers his potential as a storyteller and writer, he ultimately gets the help he needs from the people who love him to make a future for himself.
A family-friendly show with generous ensemble roles for both adults and children, Hans Christian Andersen is a timeless treasure. It is based on the 1952 film starring Danny Kaye and features classic songs such as "I'm Hans Christian Andersen," "Thumbelina," "Anywhere I Wander," and more!
Concert Selections for Hans Christian Andersen
Concert Selections are original Broadway orchestrations and exciting new symphonic arrangements of select songs for use in concert performances. Concert Selections are the perfect way to give audiences a taste of the musical theatre experience without the sets, props and costumes.
Pricing is for individual songs only. Prices below are exclusive of GST.
Pricing for Orchestral Suites and other items can be provided on receipt of your Application Form.
Amateur Rates
A$126.50 for first five minutes (Base Hire rate)
A$24.00 per minute thereafter (to a maximum of 40 minutes for Small Rights works)
A$35.00 Booking Fee
The minimum Base Hire period is 2 months which is calculated from the date required to the first performance date.
Extra months are charged at 25% of the hire fee per month or part thereof.
A 50% discount of the Base Hire fee is available for 2nd and subsequent performances provided the fee is not less than the Base Hire rate (amateur only).
If your order requires immediate processing, a A$70.00 Priority Fee per work is applicable.
We will provide a quote once we receive your Application Form.
- ANYWHERE I WANDERFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byFrank LoesserOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Jeffrey KlitzArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (with vocal)
A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed with one or more singers.
Starting KeyCIM HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRANKOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICEStarting KeyCEstimated duration2 min 00 secInstrumentation2 Flute 1&2, 1 Oboe, 1 Bb Clarinet 1, 1 Bb Clarinet 2, 1 Bassoon, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 1 Horn(in F), 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin 1&2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Guitar, 3 Percussion(Timp, Big Cymb, Wood Block, Xylo, Drum Set ,Triangle Sus.Cymb, Bells, Cow Bell), 1 Electric Synthesizer, 2 Piano/Conductor
INCHWORMFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRANKOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for2 MALE VOICES, CHILDREN'S CHORUSStarting KeyCEstimated duration2 min 15 secInstrumentation2 Flute 1&2, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1(in Bb), 1 Clarinet 2(in Bb), 1 Bassoon, 2 Trumpet 1&2(in Bb), 1 Trumpet 3(in Bb), 1 Horn(in F), 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin 1&2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Guitar, 3 Percussion 1&2(Xylo, Wood block, Sus cymb, Bells, Gb timp, Snare drum), 1 Electric Synthesizer(replacing strings), 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus books
KING'S NEW CLOTHESFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRANKOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICE, CHORUSStarting KeyE♭Estimated duration7 min 06 secInstrumentation2 Flute 1&2, 1 Oboe, 1 Bb Clarinet 1, 1 Bb Clarinet 2, 1 Bassoon, 2 Bb Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 1 Horn, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin 1&2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Guitar, 3 Percussion 1&2(Snare drum, Xylo., Timp, Wood block, Choke, Temple blocks, Cymb), 1 Elec.Synth, 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus Books
NO TWO PEOPLEFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRAAKOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 FEMALE VOICEStarting KeyDEstimated duration2 min 00 secInstrumentation1 Oboe, 1 Flute 1&2, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Bassoon, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Horn, 1 Trumpet 3, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 7 Viola, 17 Violin, 3 Percussion, 1 Guitar, 1 Synthesizer/Conductor
OVERTURE ("HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN")First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRANKOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICEStarting KeyBEstimated duration6 min 00 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1&2(Flute, Piccolo), 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Oboe, 1 Bassoon, Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 2 Horn, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Guitar, 1 Elec Synth, 2 Piano/Conductor
THUMBELINAFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRANKOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICE, CHILDRENS CHORUSStarting KeyAEstimated duration1 min 35 secInstrumentation1 Oboe, 1 Bassoon, 1 Flute 1&2, 1 Clarinet 1(in Bb), 1 Clarinet 2(in Bb), 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 1 Trumpet 3, 7 Cello, 5 Bass, 17 Violin 1&2, 7 Viola, 3 Percussion 1&2, 1 Guitar, 1 Synthesizer/Condcutor, 25 Chorus books
UGLY DUCKLINGFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byFrank LoesserLyrics byFrank LoesserOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Don WalkerArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 Voice (Typically Male)Starting KeyA♭Estimated duration4 min 00 secInstrumentation1 Flute/Piccolo, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Bassoon, 1 Horn, 1 Trumpet 1, 1 Trumpet 2, 1 Trumpet 3, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 3 Percussion, 1 Syntheizer (String Section), 2 Piano/Conductor
WONDERFUL COPENHAGENFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRNAKOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICEStarting KeyD♭Estimated duration4 min 40 secInstrumentation2 Flute 1&2, 1 Oboe, 1 Bb Clarinet 1, 1 Bb Clarinet 2, 1 Bassoon, 2 Bb Trumpet 1&2, 1 Bb Trumpet 3, 1 Horn, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin 1&2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Guitar, 3 Percussion 1&2(Lrg.Cymb, Bells, Timpani, Wood Block, Bass snare drum, Metal ring), 1 Electric Synth, 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus Books