Xanadu JR.
The following songs have been cut:
"Fool," "The Fall"
Xanadu JR. is inspired by the Tony Award-nominated Broadway musical and the Universal Pictures' cult classic movie that starred Olivia Newton-John and Gene Kelly. Xanadu JR. is a moving, electrifying tale of endless fun that will keep audiences in stitches while the original, legendary chart-topping tunes lift them out of their seats.
Xanadu JR. follows the journey of a magical and beautiful Greek muse, Kira, who descends from the heavens of Mt. Olympus to Venice Beach, California, on a quest to inspire a struggling artist, Sonny, to achieve the greatest artistic creation of all time – the first Roller Disco. (Hey, it's 1980!) But, when Kira falls into forbidden love with the mortal Sonny, her jealous sisters take advantage of the situation, and chaos abounds.
With a flexible cast size and lots of room for large disco dance numbers, Xanadu JR. will have your students rolling along (no skates required!)
Concert Selections for Xanadu
Concert Selections are original Broadway orchestrations and exciting new symphonic arrangements of select songs for use in concert performances. Concert Selections are the perfect way to give audiences a taste of the musical theatre experience without the sets, props and costumes.
Pricing is for individual songs only. Prices below are exclusive of GST.
Pricing for Orchestral Suites and other items can be provided on receipt of your Application Form.
Amateur Rates
A$126.50 for first five minutes (Base Hire rate)
A$24.00 per minute thereafter (to a maximum of 40 minutes for Small Rights works)
A$35.00 Booking Fee
The minimum Base Hire period is 2 months which is calculated from the date required to the first performance date.
Extra months are charged at 25% of the hire fee per month or part thereof.
A 50% discount of the Base Hire fee is available for 2nd and subsequent performances provided the fee is not less than the Base Hire rate (amateur only).
If your order requires immediate processing, a A$70.00 Priority Fee per work is applicable.
We will provide a quote once we receive your Application Form.
- PEOPLE CARRY ON (3-PIECE ORCHESTRATION)First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byNeil BartramLyrics byNeil BartramOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Neil BartramArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 Voice (Typically Male)Starting KeyBEstimated duration3 min 38 secInstrumentation(2x) PIANO/FULL SCORE, (2x) PIANO/VOCAL SCORE, (2x) WOODWIND (Triangle, Clarinet, Oboe), (1x) CELLO - PEOPLE CARRY ON (9-PIECE ORCHESTRATION)First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byNeil BartramLyrics byNeil BartramOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Jonathan TunickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 Voice (Typically Male)Starting KeyBEstimated duration3 min 38 secInstrumentation(2x) PIANO/FULL SCORE, (2x) PIANO/VOCAL SCORE, (1x) CLARINET, (1x) BASSOON, (1x) TRUMPET (Tacet), (1x) PERCUSSION (Glockenspiel), (17x) VIOLIN, (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLO, (5x) BASS - PICK A LITTLE, TALK A LITTLEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byWILLSON, MEREDITHLyrics byWILLSON, MEREDITHOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged forFEMALE CHORUS (FEATURED SOLOS)Starting KeyGEstimated duration1 min 57 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1, 1 Flute 2, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Clarinet 3, 1 Bassoon, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 3 Percussion, 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus books
- PIECE DE RESISTANCEFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100
- PINBALL WIZARDFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byPete TownshendLyrics byPete TownshendOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Steven MargoshesArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 Voice (Typically Male) and Chorus (Typically Male)Starting KeyBEstimated duration4 min 00 secInstrumentation1 French horn 1, 1 Bass, 1 Drum, 1 Guitar 1, 1 Guitar 2, 1 Keyboard 1, 1 Keyboard 2, 1 Keyboard 3, 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus books
- PINES CONES AND HOLLY BERRIESFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byWILLSON, MEREDITHLyrics byWILLSON, MEREDITHOrchestrated byshow more...show less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 FEMALE VOICE, 2 MALE VOICESStarting KeyG♭Estimated duration1 min 43 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1, 1 Flute 2, 1 Flute 3, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Bass clarinet, 1 Horn, 1 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 3 Percussion, 1 Guitar, 1 Celeste, 2 Piano Conductor, 3 Chorus books
- PINSTRIPES ARE ALL THAT THEY SEEFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byMarc ShaimanLyrics byScott WittmanMarc ShaimanOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Marc Shaiman, Larry BlankArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyAmEstimated duration4 min 25 secInstrumentation(1x) FULL SCORE, (4x) PIANO/CONDUCTOR SCORE, (20x) VOCAL BOOK, (4x) REED 1 (Flute, Alto Flute, Alto Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone), (3x) REED 2 (Clarinet, Oboe, Tenor Saxophone), (3x) REED 3 (Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone), (1x) TRUMPET 1, (1x) TRUMPET 2, (1x) TROMBONE, (1x) GUITAR (Acoustic), (2x) PERCUSSION (Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Timpani, Whip, Triangle), (1x) DRUMS, (1x) KEYBOARD 2, (1x) KEYBOARD 3, (16x) VIOLIN, (6x) CELLO, (5x) BASS (Acoustic) - PLEASE HELLOFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SondheimLyrics byStephen SondheimOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Jonathan TunickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyDEstimated duration9 min 13 secInstrumentation(2x) PIANO/CONDUCTOR SCORE, (6x) VOCAL BOOK, (1x) REED 1 (Piccolo, Flute), (1x) REED 2 (Clarinet, Flute), (1x) REED 3 (Clarinet), (1x) REED 4 (Oboe), (1x) REED 5 (Bassoon), (2x) HORNS 1 & 2, (2x) TRUMPETS 1 & 2, (1x) TROMBONE, (2x) PERCUSSION 1 & 2 (Drum Set, Timpani, Bells, Tam Tam, Temple Blocks, Wood Blocks, Triangle), (1x) KEYBOARD (Tacet), (1x) HARP, (16x) VIOLIN, (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLO, (5x) BASS - POLITICS AND POKERFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Music byJerry BockLyrics bySheldon HarnickOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Irwin KostalArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyGEstimated duration3 min 58 secInstrumentation(12x) PIANO/CONDUCTOR SCORE, (2x) REED 1 (Clarinet, Flute OR Clarinet), (1x) REED 2 (Flute OR Clarinet), (1x) REED 3 (Oboe OR Clarinet), (1x) REED 4 (Clarinet), (1x) REED 5 (Bassoon OR Bass Clarinet), (2x) TRUMPETS 1 & 2, (1x) TRUMPET 3, (1x) TROMBONE 1, (1x) TROMBONE 2, (1x) BANJO, (2x) PERCUSSION (Drum Set, Xylophone), (17x) VIOLINS, (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLO, (5x) BASS (+Optional Tuba) - POOR WANDERING ONEFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byArthur SullivanLyrics byW.S. GilbertArranged byshow more...show less...William ElliottArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Instrumentation2 Keyboard 1/Conductor Score, 15 Vocal Books, 2 Reed 1 (Flute 1 & Flute 2), 1 Reed 2A (Clarinet), 1 Reed 2B (Clarinet), 1 Reed 3 (Bassoon), 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trombone, 1 Keyboard 2 (Celeste), 1 Percusion 1 (Vibraphone), 3 Percussion 2 (Suspended Cymbal, Timpani, Bell Tree, Mark Tree), 3 Percussion 3 (Drum Set, Suspended Cymbal, Mark Tree, Bell Tree), 1 Bass 1: Electric (Fender), 1 Bass 2: Acoustic
PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMUNITIONFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRANKArranged byshow more...show less...MARTIN, JACKArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (with vocal)A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed with one or more singers.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICE, CHORUSStarting KeyFEstimated duration1 min 40 secInstrumentation2 Flute 1&2, 2 Oboe 1&2, 2 Clarinet 1&2, 2 Bassoon 1&2, 1 Trumpet 1, 2 Trumpet 2&3, 2 Horn 1&2, 2 Horn 3&4, 2 Trombone 1 &2, 1 Trombone 3(Tuba), 9 Violin 1, 8 Violin 2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Percussion 1(Snare drum), 2 Percussion 2&3(Bass drum, Piatti), 1 Full score, 25 Chorus books
PRETTY LADYFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow more...show less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for3 MALE VOICESStarting KeyFEstimated duration2 min 53 secInstrumentation1 Flute, 1 Alto Flute, 1 Eng.Horn, 1 Clarinet, 1 Bass Clarinet, 2 Horn 1&2, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Harp, 2 Piano Conductor, 3 Chorus books
PRETTY LADY ("SYMPHONIC SONDHEIM")First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENArranged byshow more...show less...SEBESKY, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (Instrumental)A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed without singers.
Arranged forINSTRUMENTALStarting KeyFEstimated duration2 min 53 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1, 1 Flute 2, 1 Piccolo, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Clarinet 3, 1 Bassoon 1, 1 Bassoon 2, 1 English horn, 1 Horn 1, 1 Horn 2, 1 Trumpet, 9 Violin 1, 8 Violin 2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Full Score, 1 Harp, 1 Celesta
PRETTY WOMEN (PART 1&2)FromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow more...show less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for3 MALE VOICESStarting KeyFEstimated duration2 min 40 secInstrumentation(1x) Full Score; (4x) Piano/Conductor Score; (1x) Woodwind 1: Soprano Recorder, Piccolo, Flute; (1x) Woodwind 2: Oboe, English Horn; (1x) Woodwind 3: Flute, Clarinet; (1x) Woodwind 4: Clarinet, Bass Clarinet; (1x) Woodwind 5: Bassoon; (1x) Horn; (2x) Trumpets; (1x) Trombone 1; (1x) Trombone 2; (1x) Trombone 3; (3x) Percussion: Vibraphone, Bell Tree, Triangle, Tom Tom, Cymbal, Timpani; (1x) Celesta; (1x) Harp; (16x) Violins; (7x) Viola; (6x) Cello; (5x) Bass
PROLOGUE & OVERTURE ("FOLLIES")FromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow more...show less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyGEstimated duration10 min 06 secInstrumentation1 Reed 1(Soprano or Alto sax, Flute), 1 Reed 2(Clarinet ,Alto sax), 1 Reed 3(Bass clarinet ,Clarinet, Tenor sax), 1 Reed 4(Oboe ,Clarinet), 1 Reed 5(Clarinet), 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 1 Horn, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Harp, 1 Guitar, 3 Percussion(Tymp ,Bells, Drum set, Wood block), 2 Piano Conductor, 2 Chorus books
PROLOGUE & OVERTURE (FROM "FOLLIES")FromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SondheimOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Jonathan TunickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (Instrumental)A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed without singers.
Starting KeyGInstrumentation(1x) FULL SCORE, (4x) REED 1 (Soprano Saxophone, Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone), (2x) REED 2 (Clarinet, Alto Saxophone), (3x) REED 3 (Bass Clarinet, Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone), (3x) REED 4 (Oboe, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet), (2x) REED 5 (Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone), (1x) HORN, (1x) TRUMPET 1, (1x) TRUMPET 2, (1x) TRUMPET 3, (1x) TROMBONE 1, (1x) TROMBONE 2, (1x) TROMBONE 3, (3x) PERCUSSION (Timpani, Glockenspiel, Drum Set, Woodblock), (1x) HARP, (1x) PIANO/CELESTA, (1x) GUITAR, (16x) VIOLINS, (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLO, (5x) BASSPROUD LADYFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SchwartzLyrics byshow more...show less...Stephen SchwartzArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyGInstrumentation3 PV, 4 PC, Reed-1(flute), Reed-2(oboe), 2 Reed-3(clarinet,tenor sax), Reed-4(bassoon),Horn(2), Accordian, Harp, Keyboard-1(piano), Keyboard-2(Synth.) 2 Percussion, Violins(16), Cello(6), Bass(5)
PURPOSEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byRobert Lopez and Jeff MarxLyrics byshow more...show less...Robert Lopez and Jeff MarxArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Instrumentation2 Piano Conductor Score, 1 Reed (Alto Saxophone), 1 Guitar (Electric), 1 Keyboard, 1 Drum Set, 1 Bass (Electric)
PUTTING IT TOGETHERFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow more...show less...STAROBIN, MICHAELArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICE, CHORUSStarting KeyC♯mEstimated duration11 min 40 secInstrumentation(1x) Full Score; (16x) Piano/Conductor Score; (2x) Reed 1: Bass Clarinet, Clarinet; (2x) Reed 2: Flute, Clarinet; (1x) Reed 3: Alto Saxophone; (1x) Horn; (3x) Percussion: Maracas, Vibraphone, Hi-Hat, Suspended Cymbal, Triangle, Sandpaper Blocks, Bass Drum, Timpani; (1x) Piano/Synthesizer; (1x) Synthesizer; (1x) Harp; (17x) Violins (one player doubles Suspended Cymbal w/Brush); (7x) Viola; (6x) Cello; (5x) Bass
RAHADLAKUMFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byWRIGHT, ROBERTFORREST, GEORGELyrics byWRIGHT, ROBERTFORREST, GEORGEOrchestrated byshow more...show less...ARTHUR KAYArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyAmEstimated duration4 min 27 secInstrumentation1 Flute(Piccolo), 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Bass clarinet, 1 Bassoon, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 2 Horn 1&2, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Tuba, 9 Violin AC, 8 Violin BD, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Harp, 3 Drum, 2 Piano Conductor, 7 Chorus books
RAISE YOU UP/JUST BEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byCyndi LauperLyrics byCyndi LauperArranged byStephen OremusOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Stephen OremusArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyDEstimated duration6 min 10 secInstrumentation(1x) FULL SCORE, (2x) PIANO/VOCAL SCORE, (20x) VOCAL BOOK, (1x) REED (Alto Saxophone), (1x) TRUMPET, (1x) TROMBONE, (2x) KEYBOARD 1 [can be used as PIANO/CONDUCTOR], (1x) KEYBOARD 2, (1x) GUITAR 1 (Electric), (1x) GUITAR 2 (Electric), (1x) BASS (Electric), (1x) DRUMS, (1x) VIOLIN, (1x) CELLORAISE YOUR VOICEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100show more...show less...Arrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
REMEMBERFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow more...show less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for2 MALE VOICES, 3 FEMALE VOICESStarting KeyGEstimated duration2 min 39 secInstrumentation(1x) Full Score; (6x) Piano/Conductor Score; (1x) Woodwind 1: Piccolo; (1x) Woodwind 2: Oboe; (1x) Woodwind 3: Flute; (1x) Woodwind 4: Clarinet; (1x) Woodwind 5: Bassoon (Optional Clarinet); (2x) Horns 1 & 2; (1x) Horn 3; (2x) Trumpets 1 & 2; (1x) Trombone; (2x) Percussion: Glockenspiel, Timpani; (1x) Celesta; (1x) Harp; (17x) Violins; (7x) Viola; (6x) Cello; (5x) Bass
REQUIEMFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byBenj PasekJustin PaulLyrics byBenj PasekJustin PaulOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Alex LacamoireArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyC♯mEstimated duration4 min 20 secInstrumentation(1x) FULL SCORE, (4x) PIANO/VOCAL SCORE, (2x) KEYBOARD/CONDUCTOR SCORE, (1x) GUITAR 1 (Steel String Acoustic), (1x) GUITAR 2 (Electric), (1x) BASS (Electric), (1x) DRUMS, (17x) VIOLIN, (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLOREVIEWING THE SITUATIONFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLionel BartLyrics byLionel BartOrchestrated byshow more...show less...William David BrohnArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyFmEstimated duration5 min 31 secInstrumentation(1x) FULL SCORE, (2x) PIANO/VOCAL SCORE, (2x) WOODWIND 1 (Piccolo, Flute), (1x) WOODWIND 2 (Oboe), (2x) WOODWIND 3 (E-flat Clarinet, B-flat Clarinet), (1x) WOODWIND 4 (B-flat Clarinet), (1x) WOODWIND 5 (Bassoon), (1x) HORN 1, (1x) HORN 2, (1x) TRUMPET 1, (1x) TRUMPET 2, (1x) TROMBONE 1, (1x) TROMBONE 2, (1x) TROMBONE 3 (Bass Trombone), (2x) GUITAR (Electric, Acoustic), (1x) ACCORDION, (1x) KEYBOARD, (3x) PERCUSSION 1 (Timpani, Tambourine, Crotales, Xylophone), (1x) PERCUSSION 2 (Drum Set, Wood Block), (1x) SOLO VIOLIN, (18x) VIOLIN (+Mandolin), (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLO, (5x) BASSREVOLTING CHILDRENFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100show more...show less...Arrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
RHYMES HAVE IFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byWRIGHT, ROBERTFORREST, GEORGELyrics byWRIGHT, ROBERTFORREST, GEORGEOrchestrated byshow more...show less...KAY, ARTHURArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 FEMALE VOICE, 1 MALE VOICEStarting KeyFmEstimated duration5 min 01 secInstrumentation1 Flute, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Bass clarinet, 1 Bassoon, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 2 Horn, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Tuba, 9 Violin AC, 8 Violin BD, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Harp, 3 Percussion 1&2(Bells, Vibes), 2 Piano Conductor, 2 Chorus books
RICH AND HAPPY (FROM "MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG")First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SondheimLyrics byStephen SondheimOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Chris WalkerArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyAEstimated duration3 min 38 secInstrumentation(6x) KEYBOARD 1/CONDUCTOR SCORE, (1x) KEYBOARD 2, (1x) BASS, (3x) PERCUSSION (Xylophone, Drum Kit, Latin Cymbal, Triangle, Small Shaker, Bell Tree)RIGHT GIRL, THEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SondheimLyrics byStephen SondheimOrchestrated byshow more...show less...Jonathan TunickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyG♭Estimated duration4 min 30 secInstrumentation(1x) FULL SCORE, (3x) PIANO/CONDUCTOR SCORE, (2x) REED 1 (Alto Saxophone, Clarinet), (3x) REED 2 (Alto Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute), (2x) REED 3 (Tenor Saxophone, Bass Clarinet), (2x) REED 4 (Tenor Saxophone, English Horn), (2x) REED 5 (Bassoon, Baritone Saxophone), (1x) HORN, (1x) TRUMPET 1, (1x) TRUMPET 2, (1x) TRUMPET 3, (1x) TROMBONE 1, (1x) TROMBONE 2, (1x) TROMBONE 3, (2x) PERCUSSION 1 & 2 (Drum Set, Timpani), (1x) GUITAR, (1x) HARP, (1x) PIANO, (17x) VIOLINS, (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLO, (5x) BASSRIGHT HAND MANFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byKarey KirkpatrickWayne KirkpatrickLyrics byshow more...show less...Karey KirkpatrickWayne KirkpatrickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show ExtractionA show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyD♭InstrumentationFull score, 2 keyboard 1/conductor, 3 piano vocal, alto sax, trumpet, trombone, drums, electric bass, guitar 1(Solid Body Electric), guitar 2(Solid Body Electric), keyboard 2-synth, keyboard 3-synth, 8 violin
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Show Essentials
Full Cast Info38Roles+ EnsembleGRated1ActBook bySongs
I'm Alive (Part 1)
I'm Alive (Part 2)
Sonny On The Brink
The Muses Muse (Part 1)
Evil Woman
Evil Woman (Playoff)
Now, Sister?
Whenever You're Away From Me (Part 1)
Whenever You're Away From Me (Part 2)
Strange Magic
Sisters' Entrances
All Over The World
A Shadow On The Wall
Don't Walk Away
Don't Walk Away (Playoff)
Suspended In Time
Have You Never Been Mellow
Exit Music
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