Full Billing
- Book by
- Music by
- Lyrics by
Based on the novel by Mary Rodgers and Disney films
You must give the authors/creators billing credits, as specified in the Licence Agreement, in a conspicuous manner on the first page of credits in all programs and on house-boards, displays and in all other advertising announcements of any kind. You agree to supply to the Licensor full details of all such material for Licensor’s approval prior to printing and distribution and supply two (2) copies of the program after printing.
Percentages listed indicate required type size in relation to title size.
CREDITS. You shall incorporate the following credits and comply with all size and other restrictions on the title page of all playbills and programs, and in all houseboards, displays and in all other advertising, press release and any other promotional material, except as otherwise provided below, as follows:
The (Licensee's)
Production of
Book by
Bridget Carpenter
Music by
Tom Kitt
(50%) |
Lyrics by
Brian Yorkey
Based on the novel Freaky Friday by
and the Disney films
a) The producer billing must be in the form specified above, including the words “Production of” below your billing, which shall be visually contiguous with the title, all so that the audience is informed that you are the producer. Your billing shall be no less than 50% of the size of the logo or artwork title, as measured by the proportion of the average size of your name to the largest letter in the logo or artwork title.
b) The credit to Disney above the title shall be no less than 33% of the size of the logo or artwork title, as measured by the proportion of the size of the “D” to the largest letter in the logo or artwork title. You may not replicate the trademark Disney logo unless you license the right to use the License Logo (see letter c, below).
c) In no event may you duplicate the logo and title from any of the Disney films related to Freaky Friday (the “Films”) or the novel by Mary Rodgers (the “Novel”), although you separately may license the right to use the stage licensing logo (the “License Logo”). If Disney shall provide a License Logo to Licensee, then Licensee shall use such logo exactly as provided, including fonts. If you elect not to purchase the License Logo, then you shall submit your logo or artwork title for approval prior to any public use thereof.
d) The credit to the Authors shall be on a single line and in a size no less than 50% of the regular title. If using a logo (custom or licensed), then the total size of this credit (both lines) shall be no less than 20% of the logo or artwork title as measured by the total size of the logo.
e) The size of each line of the credit to the novelist, Mary Rodgers, and the Disney films shall be no less than 40% of the regular title, and the name “Mary Rodgers” shall be capitalized and appear in bold style typeface. If using a logo (custom or licensed), then the total size of this credit (all three lines) shall be no less than 20% of the logo or artwork title as measued by the total size of the logo.
The following credits shall be in included in the program on the title page, and shall be no less than 40% of the regular title, and if there is no regular title, then no less than 16% of the logo or artwork title, and in all events 80% of the size of the credit to the authors:
Orchestrations by Michael Starobin & Tom Kitt
Vocal Arrangements by Carmel Dean & Tom Kitt
Dance Arrangements & Incidental Music by Tom Kitt
Additional Orchestrations by Marco Marinangeli
Additional Incidental Music by Carmel Dean
SHORTFORM BILLING FOR LEAFLETS AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Point sizes must be in same proportion as set forth for full billing above):
The (Licensee’s)
Production of
Based on the novel Freaky Friday by
and the Disney films
The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited