Full Billing


Based on the 1992 Disney Film, Aladdin. Lyric translations by Walterio Pezqueira.


You must give the authors/creators billing credits, as specified in the Licence Agreement, in a conspicuous manner on the first page of credits in all programs and on house-boards, displays and in all other advertising announcements of any kind. You agree to supply to the Licensor full details of all such material for Licensor’s approval prior to printing and distribution and supply two (2) copies of the program after printing.
Percentages listed indicate required type size in relation to title size.
The (Licensee) (50%)
Production of
Disney's (33%)
ALADDIN (100%)
Dual-Language Edition
IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE BILLING, on the title page of playbills and programs, and in houseboards and displays, the following credits shall also be included:  
Music by
Alan Menken (50%)
Lyrics by
Howard Ashman and Tim Rice (50%)
Spanish Lyrics by
Walterio Pezqueira (50%)
Music Adapted, Arranged and Orchestrated by
Bryan Louiselle (50%)
Book by
Jim Luigs and Jose Cruz Gonzalez (50%)
Based on the 1992 Disney film Aladdin (33%)
The billing to you must be in the form specified above, including the words “Production of” below your billing, which shall be visually contiguous with the title, all so that the audience is informed that you are the producer. Your billing shall be no less than 50% of the size of the logo or artwork title, as measured by the proportion of the average size of your name to the largest letter in the logo or artwork title.  The name “Disney’s” shall be in plain type font, shall be no more than 33% of the title, as measured by the proportion of the size of the “D” in “Disney’s” to the size of the largest letters in the title.

Video Warning

If you purchase a separate license to allow non-commercial video recording of this production, you must print the following in your program. ANY VIDEO RECORDING MADE OF THIS PERFORMANCE IS AUTHORIZED FOR PERSONAL, AT-HOME, NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. THE SALE OR DISTRIBUTION OF SUCH RECORDING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNDER FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAW. If you do not purchase the separate license for video recording, you must print the following in your program. The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited