Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR.
The Award-winning animated film and stage play comes to life in this romantic and beloved take on the classic fairytale.
Show Essentials
+ Ensemble

Full Synopsis

Once upon a time in a faraway land, an Enchantress turns a cruel, unfeeling Prince into a hideous Beast. To break the spell, the Beast must learn to love another and earn her love in return before the last petal falls from an enchanted rose.

Ten years later, in a small village far below the Beast's castle, a beautiful and intelligent young woman, Belle, yearns for adventure ("Belle"). On his way to show his invention at a fair, Belle's father, Maurice, gets lost and seeks shelter in the Beast's castle. Enchanted servants - Cogsworth, Lumiere, Babette, Mrs. Potts and Chip - try to make Maurice comfortable, but the Beast imprisons the intruder.

Meanwhile, back in town, Gaston, the village brute, proposes to Belle, to the dismay of Les Filles De La Ville, who fawn over him. Belle turns Gaston down ("Belle - Reprise"). When Belle notices Gaston's sidekick, LeFou, wearing her father's scarf, Belle runs off to search for him. Belle finds her missing father at the castle and offers herself in exchange for his freedom. The Beast agrees, sending Maurice back to the village, and then escorts Belle to her bedroom, where she considers what she has done ("Home"). Seeing their guest forlorn, Mrs. Potts and Madame de la Grande Bouche comfort Belle ("Home - Tag").

In the village tavern, Lefou and the Villagers try to lift Gaston's spirits ("Gaston"). When "crazy old" Maurice barges in claiming that he has seen a Beast, Gaston and Lefou form a plan to win Belle ("Gaston - Reprise").

At the castle, the servants coach the Beast on how to act like a gentleman. When Belle refuses to accept the Beast's invitation to dinner, he loses his temper and tells her to starve. However, Lumiere and the SERVANTS offer Belle an extravagant feast anyway ("Be Our Guest"). After, Cogsworth gives Belle a tour of the castle and she wanders off into the forbidden west wing. The Beast discovers her there and loses his temper, which causes the frightened Belle to flee the castle.

In the forest, Belle is attacked by wolves. The Beast comes to her rescue, but is injured in the process. Having a change of heart, Belle helps the Beast back to the castle and dresses his wound. The servants recognize something different between Belle and the Beast ("Something There") and express their hope that the spell may soon be broken ("Human Again"). The Beast asks Belle to have dinner with him and they share a romantic evening together ("Beauty and the Beast").

Despite this new friendship, Belle longs to see her father. Using the Beast's magic mirror, Belle sees that Maurice is in trouble, so the Beast frees her. Belle finds Maurice in the forest and takes him home to the village, where Gaston has arranged for Monsieur D'Arque to take him away. Belle proves that her father is not crazy by showing the Beast in the magic mirror. Jealous of Belle's affection for someone else, Gaston whips the villagers into a frenzy. They storm the castle to kill the Beast ("The Mob Song"). While the servants defend the castle from the villagers' attack, Gaston confronts and stabs the Beast in the west wing. The Beast, while still much stronger than Gaston, refuses to kill him and Gaston runs away in shame. Belle arrives and tells the dying beast she loves him ("Home - Reprise"), which breaks the spell. The Beast transforms back into the Prince, the servants become human again, and they all live happily ever after.

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Cast Size: Medium (11 to 20 performers)
Cast Type: Star Vehicle Female
Dance Requirements: Standard

Character Breakdown


Belle is a smart, confident young woman from a small village. You will want a strong singer and actress who is able to stand up to Gaston while showing compassion for Maurice, the Servants and eventually the Beast. If there are several female students in your school who could perform the role, consider casting two girls to play Belle on alternating nights.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: G3

The Beast is a young prince who was hideously transformed by the Enchantress' s spell. Casting for size is not as important as choosing a student who can handle this complex character: a dictator, a hurt child, a hero, a defender and a smitten prince. Cast an actor who can deliver a range of conflicting emotional states. Although the Beast does sing a small bit during "Something There" and the "Finale," this is truly an acting role (and his lyrics can be spoken if you cast a non-singer). If you choose to cast the Prince separately from the Beast, the Prince would end up singing the Beast' s lines in the "Finale."

Gender: male
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: B3

The Narrators provide great opportunities to involve students who are more comfortable speaking than singing. The script is written to feature four Narrators, but you can incorporate more students (or fewer) depending on the size of your cast. Be sure the students you choose for these roles can enunciate and project, as they guide the focus and pace of this beautiful tale. These roles are non-singing, but the actors can also be a part of your ensemble.

Gender: any
Old Beggar Woman/Enchantress

The Old Beggar Woman/Enchantress should be portrayed by an actor with a flair for the visually dramatic as this is a non-speaking role. Her transformation in the Prologue needs to entice the audience into the story. After the Prologue, this student may join the ensemble as a Villager or castle Servant.

Gender: female

Gaston is pompous and dim-witted and will do whatever it takes to win Belle's hand. Gaston has all the confidence in the world but lacks the humility to balance it. Finding a strong singer and actor is more important than physical size and stature for this role. He has to be able to sell his big eponymous number with gusto and arrogance as well as lead the Villagers in "The Mob Song." Biceps can be added to the costume, but the bravura needs to come from within.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: A3

Maurice is an aging and eccentric inventor, but more importantly, the adoring and protective father of Belle. This non-solo singing role is perfect for the student who can have fun interpreting this  crazy old man while conveying some very strong emotions: fear and fatherly love.

Gender: male

Lefou is Gaston's equally dim-witted lackey. This character needs to be Gaston's foil and should double the laughs for them both. Consider auditioning Lefou and Gaston in pairs to find the right chemistry. Lefou should be able to sing, act and dance. Choose a student who has some gymnastics training if you wish to embed tumbling into Lefou's movement.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: B3
Les Filles De La Ville

Les Filles De La Ville are in love with Gaston and will do almost anything just to be near him. Look for three girls who can portray the comic nature of these roles and enjoy playing off each other. Les Filles De La Ville sing together in three numbers and their sound should mix well.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: C4

Lumiere is a confident, charming French mâitre d who (under the enchantress's spell) is becoming a candelabra. He has an incessant bickering rapport with Cogsworth, so consider auditioning in pairs to find a good fit. Lumiere should be a strong singer who can light up the stage in "Be Our Guest." If you have a student who can handle the French accent, fantastic! This role covers a range of emotions (from charming entertainer to brave soldier) and requires prominent song and dance, so try to cast a strong, versatile performer.is a self-confident, charming, French mâitre d' who (under the Enhantress's spell) is becoming a candelabra. He has a never-ending give-and-take with Cogsworth, so the student playing Lumiere must work well with the child you cast for that role. Consider auditioning in pairs. Lumiere should be a strong singer who can "light up" the stage in "Be Our Guest." If you have a child who can handle the French accent, fantastic! This role covers a range of emotions (from charming entertainer to brave soldier) and requires prominent song and dance, so try to cast a strong, reliable performer.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: A3

Cogsworth is the British major-domo of the castle who is becoming a clock. Like all of the castle s Servants, he shows a fatherly compassion for Belle yet is perfectly submissive to the master, the Beast. Cogsworth enjoys feeling like the boss and has no problem  getting into it with Lumiere. Cast a strong actor and singer who can act  in charge.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: A3
Mrs. Potts

Mrs. Potts is the castle s endearing cook who is becoming a teapot. The actor you cast needs a strong, sweet voice and should be able to convey comforting, maternal qualities amidst the chaos that is breaking out in the castle. Look for a student who can play a loving mother figure to all the characters.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: F3

Chip is Mrs. Potts s son who is becoming a teacup. You may cast a younger student for this role, but it is not imperative. Chip has a wonderful naïveté that endears him to all of the Servants. Cast an actor who can portray the honesty and spirit of a child and is comfortable trying to sing Chip s few solo lines.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: D4
Madame De La Grande Bouche

Madame De La Grande Bouche is an opera singer who is becoming a wardrobe. Madame is larger-than-life in everything she does, including her singing and dancing. Look for that student who can portray the ultimate  diva with a heart with an outsized personality and voice. Madame has some harmony lines with Mrs. Potts and Babette, so cast a singer who can hold her own but knows when to pull back in order to sound good with the others.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: C5
Vocal range bottom: A3

Babette is the maid of the castle who is turning into a feather duster. She misses the finer things in life. Babette is happy to be at Belle s service at a moment s notice, but her true heart comes through in  Human Again. Look for a good actor with solid vocal skills to handle Babette s harmonies.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: B4
Vocal range bottom: A3
Monsieur D'Arque

Monsieur D'Arque is a sinister townsman who works for Gaston. Cast an actor who can believably exude his sinister personality. Although Monsieur D’Arque has few lines of solo singing in “The Mob Song,” this is primarily a non-singing role, so look for a solid actor first. Monsieur D’Arque can double as a Servant in the rest of the show.

Gender: male

The Servants of the castle can include Statues, a Dust Pan, Flatware, Plates, an Egg Timer, Napkins, a Carpet, Salt & Pepper Shakers and any other household (or castle hold items) you and your cast can imagine. These enchanted characters are the  Rockettes of the castle. They should be able to handle a potentially awkward costume while singing and dancing in two big production numbers. These roles can also accommodate multiple ages if you are looking to augment your cast with some young students.

Gender: any

The Villagers are the inhabitants of Belle s town. There are some featured solos and lines that will come from this ensemble (Bookseller, Baker, etc.). The group must provide vocal power throughout the show and dance in the production numbers, so be sure to cast performers with a wide base of ability. These actors can double as the castle Servants if needed.

Gender: any
Full Song List
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Prologue
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Belle
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Maurice's Entrance
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Into the Forest
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Stranger in the House
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Maurice and the Beast
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Belle (Reprise)
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : You Follow Me!
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Home
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Home (Tag)
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Gaston
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Gaston (Reprise)
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Be Our Guest
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Something There
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Human Again
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Beauty and the Beast
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : The Mob Song
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : The Battle
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Fight in the West Wing
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Home (Reprise)
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Transformation
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Finale
Disney's Beauty And The Beast JR. New : Bows


Curriculum Connection

  • Music
  • Drama
  • Visual Arts
  • Dance
  • Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Informational Texts
  • Writing
  • Language
  • Speaking and Listening



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