Pippo Ricotta

Pippo Ricotta
Questions & Answers
Related shows or resources: Tick, Tick... Boom!
Lyrics of the songs in Italian
I work as a volunteer with an amateur theater group of teens in Italy.
Every year we try to put on a different show and this year we would like to stage a free adaptation of “TICK, TICK…BOOM!” in Italian.
Our use would be for amateur play only, just for fun; the audience would only be relatives and friends of the teens, no ticket payment.
I ask you if it is possible to get the lyrics of the songs in Italian so that we can use them for our purpose.
We know that STM - Scuola Teatro Musicale in Italy (https://www.scuolateatromusicale.it), already adapted the musical into Italian, We already contacted them to ask for the lyrics of the songs, but they told us that the script is the intellectual property of the author's heirs, and so they suggested to ask you directly to authorize.
Thank you