***Mary Poppins*** rental set with FREE moving projections - 800-250-3114

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**costumes also available******

=== Please visit our website for more information.
Copy and paste - http://FrontRowTR.com/poppins===

Front Row Theatrical Rental is pleased to introduce its brand-new Premium Mary Poppins Rental set. This set travels in only ONE truck but evokes comparisons to Broadway and the classic movie. 

The set features a beautifully massive parlor, a traditional kitchen boasting magic, the nursery, rooftops that are danceable, the park, the bank, and of course the Talking Shop. Additionally three hand painted drops compliment moving projection videos which are included with the rental. 

Mary Poppins moving projections feature birds flying across the park, clouds moving in the sky and more.

Front Row's Mary Poppins rental kitchen and bedroom feature magic night tables, magic pots and pans, dishes and magic kitchen tables.  

The highlight of the set is the grand Bank's parlor comprised of 3 different peices. There is a center palor unit with a functional second story, a study unit with bookshelves and a oarlor extension unit with working front door.When together, the whole parlor unit is 38' wide (does not take up this amount of space in the wings). The side parlor units turn around to form a 20' wide kitchen. 

This Mary Poppins Broadway rental scenery is best for larger stages and for professional theaters, regional theaters and academic institutions with audiences who are used to seeing the biggest, boldest and most grand scenery, costumes and projections.

Questions? Call us at 800-250-3114 or www.FrontRowTR.com/poppins​  or email us at mti2@frontrowtr.com

Why rent from Front Row Theatrical Rental?

  1. Front Row Theatrical Rental is run by professional stage hands which is a major advantage. No one knows how to design and load-in a set better than professional stage hands. Clients can expect, a well thought-out, well designed, professional set rental that will wow their clients.
  2. Front Row Theatrical offers optional concierge tech services*. From on-site technicians for load-in and load-outs, to costume alterations made before the rental package ships to in-house logistics experts handling the trucking, Front Row provides piece of mind for its customers.
  3. Additionally, all of Front Row’s rental scenery fits into only semi truck.  With trucking prices at all time highs, one truck set rentals save clients thousands of dollars. Such substantial savings mean more money available for additional patrons enhancements.