About Us

Licensing the world's greatest musicals since 1952.

Our Mission

About Us



Our Mission

We Bring Theatre to the World

We commit to this mission by encouraging, nurturing and sustaining the licensing, production and performance of musical theatre.

Encourage the global licensing of our catalog of shows while protecting the intellectual property of our authors.

Nurture the development of new works; promote arts education, particularly in underserved communities; and deliver innovative ways to create and produce theatre.

Sustain existing shows and the artform of musical theatre by supporting the creativity and talents of our authors, customers and employees.

"Oh, I would just like the shows to keep getting done, whether on Broadway, or in regional theatres, or schools, or communities, I would just like the stuff to be done, just done and done and done and done and done…"

-Stephen Sondheim (2008 Interview)