Spotlight on...Adelaide Youth Theatre

Spotlight on...Adelaide Youth Theatre
The Adelaide Youth Theatre started in January 2011 with what they thought would be a one off performance of ’Bugsy Malone’. AYT company Directors Emma Riggs and Kerreane Sarti had wanted to produce it for many they did. There was no real expectation or plan for what was to happen next, but after a barrage of support and positive feedback, it seemed there was no turning back. In July 2011 they produced their first Broadway JR show – Disney’s ‘Aladdin JR’ and since then they haven’t stopped, producing 30 seasons in 8 years – with ‘Wicked’ this December being their 30th!
We chatted to Director Emma Riggs to find out more about AYT and their passion for the education of young people in the arts. What we discovered is that AYT are leading the way in inclusion, making theatre accessible for ALL young people and their families, as well as using AYT to raise funds and awareness for various charities. MTI are inspired by Emma and the team at AYT, and we know you will be too.
Why is it important to you to foster the education of young people in the performing arts in your community?
Performing Arts is such a positive influence on young peoples lives. Not only does it harvest life long friendships and teach incredible skills, but the number of parents who simply tell us that we have changed their child’s life for the better is our biggest ‘will’ to keep going.
Something new we started just this year is our ‘special performances’ – in these performances we invite kids with Down Syndrome, Autism and other disabilities to attend a performance with their families at no cost. Not only is this a huge treat for them to be able to come out, but our performances are totally ‘Relaxed Performances’. Both the sound and lighting are altered and the audience are welcome to stand up, walk around, join in, dance in the aisles and just generally, not feel restricted to comply to typical theatre audience rules.
At a recent production of ‘Madagascar JR’ one parent cried when I told her that it was OK for her little one to walk down the aisle to the stage as he was fighting her to go. He literally stood there for the rest of the show and didn’t move again…..he just wanted to be close. Afterwards she told me that he had never been still for that long – she was just amazed! These performances have given our young cast members a new sense of compassion, understanding and the joy on their faces as they mingle in the theatre with their special audiences after the show is just incredible to watch!
Also, each of our Broadway JR shows are raising money for a children’s charity. Last season one reviewer wrote that he had never cried in a performance before, but hearing the words of one of our youngest performers on his recent brain surgery and how he wanted to support other kids with brain conditions at the end of our bows, he was moved to tears. SO many people donate to our charity fundraising, that we have raised many thousands of dollars for various charities. It is AMAZING community spirit! We have a cast member in Wicked (playing Chistery) with Cystic Fibrosis and our fundraising this season will be to support her ongoing work for the CF Association.
Your next show is Wicked in December. Have you started rehearsals yet? How are they coming along?
We have only had three rehearsals so far for Wicked, however, it is looking and sounding incredible. One of our biggest auditions, we simply had the some of the best young performers in SA come along…..the hardest thing was, as always, not being able to take everyone! It is shaping up to be one of, if not, the, best shows we have produced to date.
AYT are heading off to take part in The Junior Theatre Celebration in October. What made you want to be involved and what are the students most excited about?
We first heard about JTC through Nikol at MTI. She really thought that our company would benefit from going and she was right! After further chats with Shane from oztheatrics we decided that even though Newcastle was one of the most difficult places to get to from SA, that we would venture out there. What a fantastic experience it was for all of our kids AND our teachers!
We were very privileged to have several of our performers involved in the Pilot and they had the best week ever! Friendships were made that will last for many years to come!
We can’t wait to go back this year to an even bigger and more exciting JTC!
Finally, do you have any words of wisdom for young people currently working on their craft?
TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN! Make sure you have good training and in all areas that you want to specialise in. If you want to pursue musical theatre, it is VERY important to train in all three areas of the art - singing, dancing and acting! NEVER give up! You will receive more rejections than you imagine, but each one will make you a stronger person and performer. NEVER lose your drive and passion – this is what will keep you going through thick and thin. ALWAYS STAY HUMBLE! This is the most important piece of advice. People like to work with nice people – keep a level head and a good reputation and these things will help you go far!