Resourceful Theatre Tips...OrchExtra!!

Resourceful Theatre Tips...OrchExtra!!

By Matt Heyward on August 8, 2018

Imagine you are starting to think about the next show you would like to produce.  A list of dream shows passes through your mind, but then reality sinks in and you think...'I will never get an orchestra big enough for that show.'  Well, keep that dream alive becasue we are thrilled to inform you that with OrchExtra you could make that dream show a reality!!!!!

How does it work?! I am glad you asked.

OrchExtra is a sound enhancement system run right from your laptop that allows you to add the missing instruments from your orchestra on digitalized tracks.  Every part of the orchestration is crafted by a trained musician, and put together with the other parts to create a 'sequence.'  Each sequence can then be performed, beat-by-beat, with your existing instruments using the OrchExtra system.

Take a look at the video below for more information.

For more product details and pricing simply head over to the following link...