Professional Development Registration - Now Open!

Professional Development Registration - Now Open!
OzTheatrics and Music Theatre Internaitonal Australasia would like to warmly extend an invitation for you to join us and hundreds of other musical theatre lovers from all over the country at the Junior Theatre Celebration Australia 2018.
In case you haven’t heard, the Junior Theatre Celebration Australia is the largest event of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, celebrating the life changing magic of musical theatre. Students, educators, teachers, industry professionals, clinicians and celebrities all gather once a year on the last weekend in October at the Civic Theatre, Newcastle for 2 days of fun, education, professional development, collegiality and musical theatre mayhem….and lots of Jazz Hands!
Not only has JTCOz become synonymous in our country for outstanding professional development for musical theatre educators and teachers alike, but we are welcoming more and more teachers from all backgrounds to our event. All keen to learn and experience fresh innovative techniques and new ways of thinking when it comes to delivering dynamic and quality learning programs for their students.
Registrations are now open for groups and individual teachers and educators. The amount of schools and drama academies attending our event has increased significantly in our three short years, but we find that most teachers thinking of bringing a group like to attend on their own first to get an understanding of “how it all works”.
To register as a teacher to attend without your students, go to the last page of our “Registration & Info Pack” CLICK HERE: Registration & Info Pack
Here is what past teachers have said about JTCOz:
“No other Professional Development exists like it. It is so empowering to return to your school with new skills and activities to put into your programme. Teachers work SO HARD, it is nice to be treated to a PD that is both relevant and FUN.” – Nicole George, West Byford Public School, WA, Australia
“Teachers should definitely come to JTCOz to do the professional development track to learn techniques from professionals that have been in the industry for years.” – Mathew Gallimore, The Voice Studio, Newcastle, Australia
“Meeting Stuart Hendricks and chatting with him has demystified the licensing process and made it less scary to reach out to Music Theatre International Australasia with questions.” – Nicole George, West Byford Public School, WA, Australia
“The professional development track is a great way to recharge your creative batteries (with ideas and inspiration to keep your program energized all year long!)” – Debbie Rollins, Durant Road Musical Theatre, North Carolina, USA
We would love to welcome you along this year so please feel free to sing out for more information or to ask any questions. There are no silly questions.
Cut off for registrations is 24th August 2018. We hope to see you in October.