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Cast Size: Large (21 or more performers)
Cast Type: Ensemble Cast

Character Breakdown


@dannyteller19/@therealdannytells —A wide-eyed young man whose dreams of moving to Hollywood are ignited by an authentic viral video—that may not be what it seems to be. Nor might Danny.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: C5
Vocal range bottom: A2

@lunalooks0_0 —An Instagram model who is keeping herself together as gracefully as one can, in the precarious social media landscape. But below the surface, she’s falling apart. Luna and Jupe are close friends.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: E3

@jupestunts —A charming, confident stunt artist who rediscovers his childhood passion for poetry, while tightrope walking the line between the needs of his brand and the needs of his soul. Jupe is also Danny’s roommate and closest confidant.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: Bb4
Vocal range bottom: B2
Chance One

@cousinsbychance —One half of a very successful prankster/comedy duo. Stubborn and a bit full of it, Chance One does everything he can to keep his cousin and, with that, their budding enterprise on track… which includes taking Danny under his wing.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: Ab2
Chance Two

@cousinsbychance/ @PerChanceTwoDream —The other half of @cousinsbychance. Goofy and a bit of a romantic, Chance Two has been spending more time with the girl he’s been dating (@rosesingz) than with his cousin. This love story, as well as a healthy investment in his side channel performing Shakespearean monologues, causes conflict between the duo.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: B4
Vocal range bottom: Ab2

@rosesingz —A singer-songwriter from North Carolina whose dreams of creating the kind of music she loves are revived by the adoration—and financial support—of Chance Two. A genuine artist, Rose is at a pivotal moment in her career, and still looking for that hit song.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: E3

@evenotrace —A makeup vlogger who moves in with Luna. Free-spirited with plenty of life experience, Eve brings with her a quirky balance of wisdom, self-defined spirituality, and a bit of privileged naïveté, as she carves out her place in the world of 1660 Vine.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: Bb5
Vocal range bottom: G3

@catkills13 —A precocious 13-year-old gamer who has built herself an empire (and a fortune). Cat is a Zoomer who knows that to be taken seriously, she has to be tough and hang in there with the adults. But there’s still a little kid in there… somewhere.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: Bb5
Vocal range bottom: G3

The manager of 1660 Vine who once sought a career in the arts, but just missed her break. She watches over the dreams of Vine residents.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: G#3
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: G3

A Duke University first-year and Danny’s (now) ex-girlfriend who stars in the viral video. She is a constant reminder that Danny can’t run from his past.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: Db5
Vocal range bottom: G3

@woahnellinell—A high energy TikTok dancer/choreographer who finds herself playing a behind-the-scenes role in 1660 Vine Live.

Gender: female
The 1660 Wine Girls

@1660winegirls —Two Twitch streamers with big personalities who host the influencer-obsessed podcast, 1660 Wine.

Gender: female
Danny's Dad

A busy, single father who wants his adult kid, Danny, to get on with his life (and get a job). Not once does he understand what an influencer does. He’s just happy that Danny’s got something to do.

Gender: male
Veteran Producer

An experienced TV/event producer who has seen the rise (and fall) of lots of “phenomenons.” Believes in Danny, but heeds caution.

Schmoozy Producer

A new-age leader in social media entertainment, who believes in cashing in on the rise of influencers like Danny, and in getting out before the fall.

Famous Influencer

Chance One’s viral collaborator in a painful scene.

Fitness Influencer

Jupe’s cringe-y “motivator” during a work-out.

Stage Manager

Cues the acts for “Vine Live.”


Five vloggers who comment on events surrounding Danny and 1660 Vine.


1660 Vine Residents, 1660 Vine Employees, Personal Assistants, Fans, Journalists, House Party Guests, Production Crew Members on #1660VineLive.